Rhodes USA Donates Steel Framing to This Year’s Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build
Lubbock, TX, July 16, 2021 – Rhodes USA will provide steel framing three homes in the 2021 Blitz Build, organized by Lubbock Habitat for Humanity, with steel framing for one home being an in-kind donation.
The 2021 Blitz Build will take place September 6th through September 18th with the goal of constructing three homes in 13 days. The three homes will be constructed by volunteers from across the community including students from Lubbock universities, parishioners from local congregations, and West Texas businesses.
“As a business in the Lubbock area, our mission is to promote positive change in the community,” Scott Turner, general manager and sales director of Rhodes USA, said. “We are excited to provide the steel framing for all three homes in this year’s Blitz Build, with one home’s framing being donated by our organization.”
Typically constructed of lumber, this year’s homes are being built with steel framing for many reasons.
“With lumber prices constantly changing, we felt that steel framing was a more cost-effective choice for this year’s Blitz Build,” Christy Reeves, executive director of Lubbock Habitat for Humanity, said. “We are so grateful for Rhodes USA and their donation of framing for one of our homes.”
The steel framing provided by Rhodes USA will also make the homes more durable while decreasing the time and technical skills necessary for constructing the homes.
About Rhodes USA
Rhodes USA is a prefabricated buildings and materials company, focusing on providing clients with comprehensive building design, supply of building components, and delivering full-scale buildings.
Reese Technology Center, 212 Davis Dr. Hangar 92
Lubbock, TX 79416
[email protected]
(806) 500-2372
About Lubbock Habitat for Humanity
Lubbock Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian organization that builds simple, decent, and affordable quality housing for individuals and families with low to moderate income. Since 1987, Lubbock Habitat for Humanity has built or repaired over 150 homes, providing shelter for more than 500 adults and children. Habitat’s homeownership program is not a hand-out, but a hand-up.
3630 50th Street Lubbock, TX 79413
lubbockhabitat.org [email protected]
(806) 763-4663
About the 2021 Blitz Build
The 2021 Blitz Build aims to build three homes in 13 days starting this Labor Day. The organization is seeking sponsors, volunteers, civic groups, and employee groups to help reach their goals. Those interested in volunteering for the Blitz Build can sign up online at the Lubbock Habitat for Humanity website (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904044ba9ad2eabfa7-lubbock1), those interested in sponsorship opportunities can call Christy Reeves at (806) 500-1996.

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Office/Plant Location
Reese Technology Center Hanger 92
212 Davis Drive
Lubbock Texas 79416
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- Prefabricated House Frame Supplier And Manufacturer
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- Prefabricated Metal Frames
- Prefabricated Steel Frames
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